Rose and Grevis talk business with Alan Kohler

Rose Bryant-Smith


Talking Business podcastAustralian finance and business commentator Alan Kohler has a terrific business podcast featuring short, sharp interviews with business leaders. Next time you are flying Qantas, you can also pick up episodes on their inflight Qantas Radio. He recently interviewed Worklogic’s founding directors, Grevis Beard and Rose Bryant-Smith. The interview is informative and entertaining – well worth a listen!


Here are some of the questions covered in this lively and entertaining discussion:

  • Are you like workplace family counsellors? Reading Fix Your Team, it seems that, as with families, it is all to do with communication…
  • How much of your work these days is to do with sexual harassment?
  • How much cheaper are you than a big law firm?
  • Is [a complaint] always, or even usually, about a power imbalance? And how often does it result in the bully being fired?
  • What do you think of the Prime Minister’s decision to ban sex between Ministers and their staff in response to the Barnaby Joyce affair?
  • Are you saying that what Turnbull did would be unlawful in Victoria?

Fascinating,” is Alan’s closing response to this lively interview.


About Rose Bryant-Smith & Grevis Beard

Rose Bryant-Smith & Grevis Beard, WorklogicRose Byrant-Smith and Grevis Beard are the co-founders of Worklogic and co-authors of the best-selling book, Fix Your Team, recently published by Wiley.

Worklogic works with employers to resolve workplace complaints and create a positive culture at work. Please contact Rose or Grevis if your organisation needs assistance, call (03) 9981 6558 or come along to our upcoming training on the “Five Essential Management Skills” on Thursday 18 October from 9.00 – 12.30pm in Melbourne.  Register now!

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Integrity Line

Integrity Line is an independent whistleblower service for complaints about inappropriate conduct at work, provided by Worklogic. Click here to visit the Integrity Line website.