AHRI President Launches ‘Fix Your Team’ book

Rose Bryant-Smith

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Speaking at the official launch of Fix Your Team, the Australian Human Resources Institute President, Mr Peter Wilson said that global digital disruption was affecting the vast majority of workplaces and causing many to feel threatened in their working environment.

“The Gallup Poll shows that really only one in four people in Australia are positively engaged with their work, the rest are either neutral or actively disengaged,” the AHRI President, Mr Wilson said.

“When you go into that, clearly the global digital disruption is affecting every workplace and often, as we know from psychology, the more people feel threatened by the environment, the more they return to atypical behaviours of command and control and are at greater risk of bullying others.”

“Because of the disruption that’s going on, managers are under the various pressures and they have think, “I don’t understand how to do this”; so they flick it onto HR, but it’s often fundamental to the way they should be working, and what they should be doing themselves.”

“These changes affect the vast majority of workplaces today, and for HR Managers, leaders or co-workers faced with issues that they don’t like or know what to do with, then Fix Your Team provides a number of cues on where to take that, which is very helpful,” he said.

“I found that the 12 symptoms of dysfunctional teams outlined pretty much nailed most of the experiences that HR practitioners encounter and they have to deal with.  I thought that was very insightful, but also encouraging of people to work through to what the solutions might be, he said.

One of the keys to successful workplaces is to develop teams that operate in a way that brings out the best for the individual, and where the individual contributes to the overall enhancement of others in the team.

“These two principles are very hard to get right, so I think as we reach back to some very fundamental tactics in leadership and cooperation, we need some short-form cues about what to do, how to go about it; and the Fix Your Team book is full of them,” he said.

The book was also very timely in terms of coming out when people are doing the fundamental thinking about what makes good teams and leadership in this quite different economic world that we have today, he said.

“It’s my great pleasure to launch the book, Fix Your Team.  It’s a great accession to the literature for HR professionals, and I think it has very many practical ideas to solve everyday problems that HR managers experience on the job, so I’m very pleased to be part of that.”

Fix Your Team was written by Worklogic Directors Rose Bryant-Smith and Grevis Beard to help organisations understand and address the causes of team dysfunction.  It provides the tools HR advisors, managers and team leaders need to rebuild relationships, resolve conflict and stop destructive behaviour.

You can buy Fix Your Team online or order bulk hard copies for every manager and team leaders in your organisation and save!



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