Simon Thorne

Principal Consultant / Practice Leader, Melbourne

Simon has for over 35 years worked for a range of organisations and clients to assist them in building healthy and respectful workplace cultures. Passionate about driving high performing teams where a positive culture is the core of the success of the team and the organisation. Simon loves working with his clients to enhance leadership capability to deliver on strong positive workplace cultures that delivers enhanced business performance and client satisfaction.

Working as a senior Human Resources Executive, Simon has extensive experience in all aspects of people management, operations, OH&S and business performance. Since 2016, Simon has been bringing his extensive experience to hundreds of Worklogic’s clients.

Simon's background as a senior executive leading large teams of people with exposure to senior executive teams and public and private boards places him in a unique position to lead and manage complex culture change interventions for Worklogic's clients.

Simon has an in-depth understanding of how workplace culture drives employee engagement, productivity, workplace dynamics and overall business performance.

Simon leads the Culture and Leadership practice at Worklogic along with colleague Angel Seach that strives to deliver worlds best practice and thought leadership to the Worklogic Team and its clients to create strong leadership which drives positive and healthy workplace cultures.

In addition, Simon has extensive experience in workplace relations and the associated legislation, and brings to his consulting role broader knowledge of client workplace relations strategies, enterprise negotiations experience and the Fair Work Australia jurisdiction.

For event invites and compelling insights into resolving workplace conflict and building a positive culture at work!

Integrity Line

Integrity Line is an independent whistleblower service for complaints about inappropriate conduct at work, provided by Worklogic. Click here to visit the Integrity Line website.