Jodie Fox

Director, Melbourne

Jodie Fox is passionate about helping people and organisations manage workplace conflict in a productive way. An experienced employment lawyer, she specialises in workplace investigations, workplace reviews and mediations to address and resolve complaints and foster a positive workplace culture.

Jodie keenly understands the need to resolve workplace issues by taking into account strategic, risk, contextual and policy factors. This comes from her extensive experience in employment law and industrial relations, including advising on unfair dismissals, equal opportunity, enterprise agreements, employment policy and litigation.

Jodie has 10 years’ experience as an employment lawyer at a top- tier law firm, including working in-house in workplace relations.

Her clients included government departments and agencies, retail businesses, energy companies, employer associations, manufacturers and mines.

Working previously at the Department of Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business (DEWRSB), Jodie appreciates the policy and regulatory aspects of employers’ management of workplace behaviour. She has drafted legislation, represented the Minister for Workplace Relations intervening in cases of significance and developed employment policies for the Australian Public Service. Whilst employed in the Higher Education Sector, Jodie negotiated enterprise agreements and managed redundancies.

She has extensive experience in:

For event invites and compelling insights into resolving workplace conflict and building a positive culture at work!

Integrity Line

Integrity Line is an independent whistleblower service for complaints about inappropriate conduct at work, provided by Worklogic. Click here to visit the Integrity Line website.