Perth In-person event | Worklogic says G’Day to WA

Jennifer Porter


Join Worklogic directors Jodie Fox, Jason Clark and newly appointed Perth director Jennifer Porter for a complimentary in-person after work drinks seminar on the principles of trauma informed investigative practice. This event will take place in Perth at COMO The Treasury.

Trauma informed practice is an increasingly important part of conducting workplace investigations into allegations of bullying and sexual harassment.  An understanding of trauma informed principles helps to protect the long-term wellbeing of participants and ensure a robust, procedurally fair investigation. A trauma informed approach requires changing long-established practices and is essential when dealing with highly sensitive investigations.

Talking points include:

  • Key principles of good practice
  • Trauma and memory
  • Ensuring participant safety
  • Complaints management
  • Trauma informed care: a behavioural competency requirement for people leaders

This event will be held in Perth at COMO The Treasury, to celebrate opening the new WA branch of Worklogic. With over 15 year’s experience and with offices located in Sydney and Melbourne, Worklogic are thrilled to be saying G’day to WA!

Date: Tues 6th September, 2022

Time: 5:30pm for refreshments, 6:00pm-6:45pm for the seminar.

Cost: Free but you must register to attend. (numbers limited)

Location: COMO The Treasury, Perth

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For event invites and compelling insights into resolving workplace conflict and building a positive culture at work!

Integrity Line

Integrity Line is an independent whistleblower service for complaints about inappropriate conduct at work, provided by Worklogic. Click here to visit the Integrity Line website.